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What is the Best Responsive Website Builder?


Ewelina WrĂłbel

Published: March 28 2023

Reading time: 11 min 54 sec

How to build a responsive website? What does it actually mean? Is a mobile-friendly website the same as a responsive website? How to choose a responsive website builder? Find out!

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive Web Design is an approach that aims to provide an optimal viewing and user experience across different devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This is achieved by using a combination of fluid grids, flexible images, and CSS media queries to adjust the layout and content of the website based on the device's screen size and orientation. In other words, responsive web design allows websites to adapt to the user's behavior and environment, providing a seamless experience across all devices. Responsive web design works by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to serve different style properties depending on the device's screen size. This means that the website's layout, font size, image size, and other design elements can be adjusted automatically to fit the screen size of the device being used to access the website. Professional web designers should create responsive websites as standard, whereas a quality website builder will include this design as a feature. By creating a responsive website, businesses can ensure that their website is accessible and user-friendly across different devices, which is increasingly important in today's digital age. 


Responsive Web Design

Why is Responsive Web Design Important?

Responsive Web Design is essential in today's digital age because it allows websites to adapt to different devices' screen sizes and orientations, providing an optimal viewing and user experience for all users. One of the key benefits of responsive web design is that it allows website content to flow freely across all screen resolutions and sizes, making it look great on all devices. With more and more people using their mobile devices to access websites, it's vital that websites are mobile-friendly and accessible on all devices. In fact, with the Google algorithm update, a responsive web design increases visibility on search engines, making it easier for businesses to reach their target audience online. Another significant advantage of responsive web design is that it can help businesses save time and money by eliminating the need to create separate websites for different devices. Instead, a responsive website can adjust its layout and content automatically, ensuring that it looks and functions well on any device, without the need for additional development or maintenance costs.

Moreover, responsive web design can improve the overall user experience by making websites easy to use and navigate on any device. With a responsive website, users can access the same content and features regardless of the device they are using, avoiding any confusion or frustration that may arise when using a non-responsive website.

Responsive vs Mobile-Friendly

What is a responsive website and how is it different from a mobile version of your website? The terms "responsive" and "mobile" are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences between these approaches. A mobile site is an additional version of a desktop site that has been optimized for mobile devices and displays correctly only on such devices. A responsive site, on the other hand, adapts to the screen size and resolution of the device on which it is displayed, so that the site's appearance is optimal on any device. In other words, a mobile site is a simplified version of a desktop site that only works on mobile devices, while a responsive site is one version of a site that adapts to different devices. One of the biggest advantages of mobile sites is that they are inherently lighter and load faster than responsive sites. With responsive sites, in order to achieve the same loading speed, the site must be well optimized, which may require more work. On the other hand, responsive sites are more flexible and adapt to different devices, which means there is no need to create separate versions of the site for each device. In summary, a mobile site is a simplified version of a desktop site that only works on mobile devices, while a responsive site adapts to different devices and looks optimal on any screen. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the user's needs and preferences.

RWD Advantages 

Responsive Web Design (RWD) has numerous advantages over traditional web design approaches. One of the primary benefits of RWD is that it allows for a single codebase to be used across all devices, which can make development faster and more efficient. Additionally, RWD enables a website to respond to the user's behavior and environment, providing a seamless experience across devices. 

Content Management System

Responsive websites are published and edited through a single administration panel. We do not have such an option for the mobile version of the website.

URL address

This is an extremely important point. With a RWD site, no matter what device the website is viewed on, the url does not change to that of the mobile version. So if you send a link to the site to someone viewing the website on a different device, the address structure will not change. As for mobile versions, they usually have slightly changed addresses - for example:  "m.webwavecms.com" or "mobile.webwavecms.com".

RWD SEO results

RWD websites definitely have better results in SEO campaigns. If there is a mobile version of a page, it is possible that Google will perceive it as a separate page, due to a different URL. Then there is a danger of duplicate content, which has a negative impact on the SEO process itself.

Shared tracking codes

Mobile versions are posted on another website, so it is necessary to implement two tracking codes for Google Analytics and aggregate the results. This situation does not apply to RWD websites.

Google friendly

Google, on its official blog post, has issued a recommendation to use RWD technology because it is the most customizable. It is also for this reason that responsive websites have an SEO advantage and achieve higher results in search results.


Creating a responsive website is a crucial step in ensuring that your website can adapt to different devices and screen sizes, providing an optimal viewing and user experience for all users.


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How to Create a Responsive Website?

There are several key steps involved in creating a responsive website, and understanding the difference between a mobile-friendly and a mobile-responsive website is the first step towards creating an effective responsive website. To create a responsive website, the design should be based on a fluid grid system that can adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions. This means that the website's layout, font size, image size, and other design elements should be adjustable automatically to fit the screen size of the device being used to access it. Additionally, the website should have dynamic content that changes according to the user's device, such as hiding or repositioning elements that may not fit on smaller screens. Optimizing images is also an important aspect of creating a responsive website. Large, high-resolution images can slow down the loading time of your website, so it's important to optimize them for faster loading times on mobile devices. This can be achieved through compressing images or using responsive images that can adjust to different screen sizes and resolutions. Another crucial aspect of creating a responsive website is ensuring that the website's code is optimized for speed and performance. This can be achieved by minimizing the use of unnecessary scripts and plugins, compressing code, and using caching techniques to improve the website's loading time.

Overall, creating a responsive website requires a combination of design and development techniques to ensure that your website is easily accessible and user-friendly on all devices. It's important to ensure that the website's layout, content, and images are optimized for different screen sizes and resolutions, and that the website's code is optimized for speed and performance. By following these steps, you can create a responsive website that provides an optimal viewing and user experience for all users, regardless of the device they are using.

Are WordPress sites responsive?

WordPress sites can be made responsive using various techniques, such as responsive themes and plugins. With responsive design, WordPress sites can adapt to the screen size of the device being used, ensuring a consistent user experience across all devices. The primary benefit of responsive web design is that it allows sites to load quickly without any distortions, so users don't need to manually resize the content to view it properly. WordPress offers a wide range of responsive themes and plugins that make it easy to create a responsive website without requiring any coding skills. With responsive web design, WordPress sites can create a system for a single site to react to the size of a user's device, with one URL and one content source. So, if you're looking to create a responsive website using WordPress, there are various options available to help you achieve your goal.

What is a responsive website builder?

A responsive website builder is a tool that allows users to create websites that can adjust to different screen sizes and resolutions, providing a seamless user experience across all devices. This means that the website's layout, font size, images, and other design elements are automatically resized and repositioned based on the screen size of the device being used to access the website.  

A responsive website builder is a tool that allows you to create websites that are optimized for different devices. It works by adjusting the layout and content of your website depending on the device it’s being viewed on. This ensures that your website looks great regardless of whether it’s being viewed on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. With a responsive website builder, you can create websites quickly and easily. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses that want to provide their customers with an optimal viewing experience no matter what device they’re using.

How to choose a responsive website builder?

Choosing the best HTML website builder, that is responsive, can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available in the market. However, there are several key factors to consider when selecting a website builder that will help you create a responsive website that meets your specific needs. Firstly, consider the website builder's ease of use and functionality. A website builder with an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface and customizable design elements can make it easy for users of all skill levels to create a responsive website. Additionally, consider the website builder's features and pricing. Some website builders offer more advanced features, such as eCommerce capabilities, while others may have more affordable pricing plans that fit within your budget. It's important to evaluate your specific needs and choose a website builder that offers the features and pricing that align with your goals and budget. Another important factor to consider is the website builder's templates and design options. Look for a website builder that offers a variety of mobile-responsive templates that are easy to customize and align with your brand's aesthetic. Additionally, consider the website builder's customer support and resources. A website builder with comprehensive tutorials, resources, and responsive customer support can be a valuable asset for users who may run into technical issues or have questions about the website building process. Ultimately, the best responsive website builder for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. 

It is also important that the website builder you choose also has a free plan or free trial option, which will allow you to try out all the features and see if the tool is suitable for you to build your website. Mobile responsive is important especially for an online store, because, as research shows, consumers are increasingly browsing the assortment of stores precisely via mobile devices. So if you want to win customers, it's worth making it easy for them to browse your store on screens other than desktop. 

Top 5 Responsive Website Builders



WebWave is the best responsive website builder. If you use the free responsive templates, the site is automatically responsive and adjusted to display on different screens. If you are creating a site from scratch, you have two options - you can use the ability to automatically adjust elements or adjust them manually. This is a great feature if you want the site to look different on a desktop and different on a mobile or tablet. At WebWave, we have free website templates available, each of which is customized for a responsive version. You will also find 4 viewports. It’s a visible area of a webpage. It can be any size and is connected to responsive web design since viewports change within used devices. 

WebWave responsive website builder


Webflow is a responsive website builder that allows users to create websites that respond to the viewer's device by adjusting their layout and functionality to display content in the best possible way. With Webflow, users can create responsive designs using various techniques such as reflowing content, fixed sizing, relative sizing, and breakpoints (media queries). Moreover, Webflow's templates have responsive web design worked in, ensuring smooth transitions and image loading no matter the device. So, if you're looking for a website builder that can help you create a responsive website that looks great on any device, Webflow is definitely worth considering. In Webflow, you have the ability to customize the appearance of the site on different screens - including tablets and phones.




All Squarespace templates are designed with a mobile-first approach, meaning that they are created to look great on mobile devices, with responsive design elements that adjust the layout and content to fit the screen size of the device being used, ensuring a consistent user experience. Squarespace's drag-and-drop interface allows users to easily customize their website design, content, and layout, without requiring any coding skills. Additionally, Squarespace offers a website builder that is tailored to the needs of designers, artists, and bloggers, with a focus on aesthetics and user experience. 

Interestingly, the creator does not have the ability to set the appearance of the site on mobile devices other than the phone. Its functions are therefore limited. 





Wix allows you to create responsive pages and gives you the ability to adjust them to different breakpoints, thanks to advanced tools such as CSS grid and flexbox technology. Wix only allows you to edit the page for all mobile devices equally - without the ability to set elements differently, for example, for tablet and phone separately. This is a limitation. 



Hopefully, I made it clear to you, that mobile responsiveness is an absolute necessity nowadays. Each website builder allows you to adjust your website to mobile devices, but in a different way. It's once again connected with how much skills, web design experience, and knowledge you need to use certain software.



Best Practices for Responsive Designs in WebWave

Before you start creating a responsive website, you need to know exactly what the term means. As I explained above, RWD is an approach to web design that assumes that a website adapts to the size of each screen on different devices. So whether you are viewing the site on a desktop or on a tablet or phone, the site will look the same, while its URL will not change. Such an option is not available for mobile sites. 



In order to move on to creating a mobile site, you must first complete the desktop version of the site. What does building a responsive site actually mean? Nothing more than adapting the created design to other screen sizes, by properly modifying its elements - content, images, charts and animations to breakpoints. Why? Because everything beyond the breakpoints is not visible to the user.

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Activate the responsive version

At the top of the page, select the screen you want to adapt the page to at this time to make your website responsive. 


active responsive version

Select the type of screen you want to optimize


Adapt elements to the type of screen

The appearance and layout of the elements are copied from the mobile version. However, the desktop is a different size, so not everything will display properly. Customize each element separately to make sure it fits the screen you're optimizing. 




Different element layout for different versions of RWD

If you have already made a page with bind on it, but you want the page to look different on different screens, just select the element and go to the "Bound Objects" tab. Hit the "bind for RWD differently" button. This will allow you to set your own conditions for how you want the bindings to look in the view of the selected screen.




If you are looking to create a responsive website without having to write any code, then WebWave website builder could be an excellent option for you. As mentioned in, with WebWave, you can easily build a responsive website without any coding knowledge. The drag and drop website builder allows you to position any element within your canvas, create animations and interactions, and build a responsive website. One of the significant advantages of using WebWave is that you don't need to write any manual code. All you need to do is create a graphics interface website, press publish, and your website will be live. This makes the process of creating a responsive website much simpler and less time-consuming. WebWave offers a variety of templates and design elements, making it easy for you to customize your website according to your needs. You can choose from a range of pre-built templates and customize them using the drag-and-drop editor.


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